जागरूक राहणे

SAJAG means to be alert! To be responsive!

We at SAJAG strive to live up to our name by staying alert to and recognisinggaps in information and opportunities within the domain of education, wheresuch gaps are rampant. We bridge these gaps through capacity buildingprogrammes with students to prepare them for seeking better opportunities infuture. Most of our students are first generation learners, with nobody to fallback on, within the family, with respect to education or for school work. TheSAJAG model builds collaborations with parents, schools, teachers, the localmunicipal corporation and volunteers to provide educational support to firstgeneration learners. We witnessed tremendous improvement in learninglevels. We started in 2016 with seven children and progressed to 25 in a year.Currently we are associated with a hundred and six students across primaryschool years.

Our approach

Building Foundational Skills -

At SAJAG our goal is to build foundational skills: basic reading, writing,comprehension, mathematics, computer use and communication. We believethat these skills enable students to obtain higher education and broaden theirhorizon on to a world of greater knowledge, information, technology,employment and, eventually empower them to aspire to a better future.

our approach
our approach

Role Model Effect -

Children are great imitators, so give them something great to imitate. Ineducated families, children make role models and attempt to learn; whetherfrom parents or extended kin. This is not possible for first generation learners.SAJAG works rigorously toward basic primary education so that students canattain further qualifications, seek better livelihood opportunities and in turn,become role models for younger siblings and others in the community.

Trustees and Founder members

our team
Kiran Limaye

He is an economist by training, with research areas being development economics and urban economics. He comments on social and economic issues through his blogs and columns in periodicals.

Marathi Blog:-kiranlimayeecoblog.blogspot.com

English Blog :-kiranlimayecommentary.blogspot.com

our team
Sajitha Sankarankutty

A Masters in Social Work from TISS. She was part of the research projects studying how children learnt language. And has co-authored research papers and teachers’ manual. As the Secretary of SAJAG, she is in charge of design and implementation of the SAJAG programmes.

our team
Bhushan Kolte

Started Papyrus – the Book Store. A place with huge and varied collection of books. Also, co-founder of Empirical Foundation, an experimental theatrical group. He oversees the children’s theatre activities and story session at SAJAG.

The BookStore details:-www.facebook.com/papyrusthebookstore

Our Team

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Ms. Rupal Nagda
Sr. Programme Manager
She is counselling psychologist & social scientist. Two decades of experience inMumbai, Manila, London & Singapore. Twin Masters' degrees from TISS, Mumbai andNational University of Singapore. Research interests: Gender; Mental Health &Development; Children, Education & Nutrition; Marriage & Family Dynamics.

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Ms. Anuja Joshi
Programme Coordinator
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Ms. Asmita Mopari
Programme Coordinator
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Ms. Aarti Chirate
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Ms. Sunita Gondge
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Ms. Rangoli More
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Ms. Savita Khandare

Dedicated Volunteers

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Ruchira Puranik
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Trupti Mallichkar
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Mr. Vishal Maurya
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Mr. Mayur Nagraj
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Ms. Sharayu Salunkhe
Whole team

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