Guidebook for Teachers

created on Jan 7, 2022 by SAJITHA

With great pleasure we would like to share that we have published our work in the education sector of providing foundational skills to primary children in the form of Guidebook. Since our challenges are similar to those working in the education sector, especially for those working with marginalized population, we think that it will be a useful tool for their work.
This guidebook is the product of our teaching experience in the complementary learning centre (CLC) over the past 3 years and the research studies in the field, founder member, Sajitha was part of. It is a compact tool built on a solid theoretical framework, juxtaposed alongside case studies and practical lesson plans.
No better means to initiate its sharing and distribution than from the hands of Shri Tadvi Sir, the head of Education Department, Kalyan Dombivli Municipal Corporation (KDMC), an individual who works with dedication in this sector and area.
Link to Teacher Guidebook